Floating Palettes preferences

Use Floating Palettes preferences to specify which palettes and inspectors always appear in front of the Document window, and which ones are allowed to be obscured by the Document window. Also use this preferences panel to specify which palettes and inspectors appear in the Launcher. (All items that appear in the Launcher also appear in the Mini-Launcher.)

To specify where each palette appears in relation to the Document window:

1 Choose Edit > Preferences, then select Floating Palettes from the category list.
By default, all windows, palettes, and inspectors are selected to appear in front of the Document window.
2 Deselect the windows, palettes, and inspectors that you want to appear in back of the Document window.
For example, if you want to allow the Document window to obscure the HTML Source inspector, deselect the HTML option. The HTML Source inspector now appears in front of the Document window only when it is active.
Similarly, if you want to allow the Document window to obscure any floating palettes that you have added by customizing Dreamweaver, deselect All Other Floaters.